We Love Our Acronyms

IEP Meeting Notebook

It’s true. 

If you have ever been in a room with several educators, you know that we speak in acronyms.  We especially love them if we are in the field of special education.  Some districts even have their own acronyms and figuring out what everything means can sometimes make people want to scream.  There is no intention to make people confused, it helps educators communicate more to you in the short period of time they have with you.  Below are some common acronyms you may hear in an IEP meeting. This is also a helpful link with a more comprehensive list of acronyms, in case you want to explore further.

  • IDEA - Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

  • ISBE - Illinois State Board of Education

  • LEA - Local Education Agency 

  • IEP - Individual Education Program 

  • FAPE - Free and Appropriate Public Education 

  • LRE - Least Restrictive Environment

  • FBA - Functional Behavioral Assessment

  • BIP - Behavior Intervention Plan

  • ESY - Extended School Year 

  • RS - Related Services

  • GE - General Education

  • IA - Instructional Assistant

  • Voc Ed - Vocational Education

  • IEE - Independent Educational Evaluation

  • MTSS - Multi-Tiered Systems of Support

With each of these, there is an implication to the development of an IEP.  Do not hesitate to conduct your own research, ask your child’s team, or reach out to NSSEC for help.  We will definitely be exploring the meaning of these various acronyms in future blogs, so check back with us to find out more.  The more you know, the more empowered you will feel at your next IEP.


Scott Robson

A certified business coach and Squarespace website designer.


How to be an Effective Advocate for your Child


My First IEP